Open-Source Intelligence
Hawk Information™ is passionate about collaboration on an EU-level and has successfully worked on projects funded by the European Commission. Aside from providing OSINT gathering services, we actively engage with public and private sector organisations to explore avenues for research collaboration in the following areas: intelligence analysis, reasoning in the intelligence cycle, OSINT gathering, decision making and analytics, OSINT training, defence technology and innovation, intelligent interfaces and knowledge management, SpaceTech, scenario planning and technology foresight.
VIRTUOSO (2010-2013)
Developed integrated IT middleware platform, which allows end-user organizations to tailor their IT system to their specific OSINT gathering needs.
RECOBIA (2010 - 2015)
Techniques and tools to improve the quality of intelligence analysis by reducing the negative impact of cognitive biases upon intelligence analysis.
More about our work in OSINT can be found through the EUROSINT Forum, a not-for-profit association dedicated to the use of OSINT for defence and security needs.
OSINT Training
Our trained analysts deliver Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering and analysis services for public and private sector companies. We deliver customised actionable intelligence relevant to market research, security and political risk assessments, reputation risk management, and business development.
We also deliver OSINT training for client's upon request. Topics covered: Tools and techniques, Structured Analytical Techniques, Reasoning and Cognitive Bias Mitigation for intelligence analyst.